HomeCoursesFrom Pandas to PySpark DataFrame


3h 3min

From Pandas to PySpark DataFrame
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Gain insights into enhancing Python data processing with PySpark. Delve into reading, transforming, aggregating data, and creating user-defined functions, boosting efficiency with Apache Spark.
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Course Overview

Pandas is a popular Python library used to manipulate data, but it has certain limitations in its ability to process large datasets. The Apache Spark analytics library offers significant performance improvements. This course will help improve your Python-based data processing by leveraging Apache Spark’s multithreading capabilities through the PySpark library. You’ll start by reading data into a PySpark DataFrame before performing basic input/output functions, such as renaming attributes, selecting, and wr...Show More
Pandas is a popular Python library used to manipulate data, but it has certain limitations in its ability to process large datas...Show More


A working knowledge of Apache Spark and the PySpark library for Python
A strong understanding of the advantages of using PySpark instead of Pandas for processing large datasets
The ability to calculate some Metrics or produce aggregated analytics reporting solutions
The ability to write Production Code in PySpark
A working knowledge of Apache Spark and the PySpark library for Python

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Learn how to use PySpark for large-scale data processing and Amazon Review Data analysis.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Solve problems in PySpark and pandas with newly acquired foundational skills.



2 Lessons

Focus on the Amazon Review Data (2018) and Pandas vs. PySpark performance.
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