HomeCoursesCreating Payment Card Programs using Marqeta API in Python


1h 30min

Creating Payment Card Programs using Marqeta API in Python
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Explore creating and managing payment card programs using Marqeta API in Python. Gain insights into simulating transactions, API integration, and scaling card programs effectively.
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Course Overview

Marqeta is a modern card issuing and transaction processing platform that allows companies to launch and scale card programs to meet their business needs. It streamlines business payments by working with card networks and issuing banks to issue cards, authorize transactions, and communicate with settlement entities. In this course, we'll learn about Marqeta's Core API, its resources, and the relationships among them. We'll learn to create and manage these resources and their relevant functionalities. We'll...Show More
Marqeta is a modern card issuing and transaction processing platform that allows companies to launch and scale card programs to ...Show More


Learn about Marqeta's Core API, its resources and the relationships among them.
Learn to simulate transactions and their reversals in a sandbox test environment using a Marqeta card.
Learn to manage different resources of the Marqeta's Core API.
Learn to create an e-commerce web application using Marqeta API integration.
Learn about Marqeta's Core API, its resources and the relationships among them.

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Marqeta's platform for creating and managing scalable payment card programs.



2 Lessons

Get started with creating, updating, and retrieving Marqeta users for efficient data management.


Card Products

2 Lessons

Work your way through creating, updating, and listing card products using Marqeta API.



2 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating, updating, and listing Marqeta payment cards with API requests.


General Purpose Accounts

3 Lessons

Solve problems in managing GPAs, orders, and unloads with Marqeta API in Python.



2 Lessons

Follow the process of simulating, reversing, and listing transactions using Marqeta API.


APIs Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Practice using Django to integrate Marqeta API for e-commerce and admin functionalities.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Marqeta’s Core API, explore further, and provide your valuable feedback.



1 Lessons

Look at additional request parameters and attributes for Marqeta API transactions.
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