

Routing: Displaying the Not Found Error

Routing: Displaying the Not Found Error

Let's show users a "Page not found" error when they provide a bad URL instead of redirecting them to the homepage.

Creating a new homepage script

When the user provides a bad URL, we should show them a “Page not found” error instead. The homepage shouldn’t be the default page, it should only show up if we actually go to http://APPLINK/.

First, let’s move the code for the homepage to its own file: public/homepage.php.

Press + to interact
include(__DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php');
$title = 'Homepage';
include(__DIR__ . '/../_header.php');
<h1>This is the homepage</h1>
<p><a href="/random.php">Get yourself a random number</a></p>
include(__DIR__ . '/../_footer.php');

We should then update the $urlMap to also include the URL /, which loads the new homepage.php script:

Press + to interact
$urlMap = [
'/login' => 'login.php',
'/logout' => 'logout.php',
'/name' => 'name.php',
'/pictures' => 'pictures.php',
'/random' => 'random.php',
'/secret' => 'secret.php',
'/' => 'homepage.php'

Verify that this works by going to http://APPLINK/. We should see the homepage, but instead, we get a rather bad error:

Note: Remember, we have used http://APPLINK just as a substitute for localhost. The URL link on which the application will be available after running the code ...

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