HomeCoursesPHP for the Web: Learn PHP without a Framework


17h 15min

PHP for the Web: Learn PHP without a Framework

Gain insights into modern PHP by delving into POST requests, forms, sessions, and redirects to build a CRUD app with authentication, focusing on pure PHP without frameworks.
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PHP for the Web is a terrific introduction on how to use modern PHP effectively. While there is a lot of material out there about building applications with PHP, most of them focus on using a framework like Laravel or Symfony. By working with pure PHP, you will be able to focus on the core ideas instead of how a particular framework implements them. In this course, you will learn how to use multiple web technologies like POST requests, forms, sessions, and redirects to build a CRUD application with an auth...Show More
PHP for the Web is a terrific introduction on how to use modern PHP effectively. While there is a lot of material out there abou...Show More



Getting Started

2 Lessons

Learn how to use foundational PHP skills and practical web development techniques.


Serving Resources

5 Lessons

Get started with serving HTML files, adding favicons, securing directories, and monitoring server communication.


Serving PHP Scripts

7 Lessons

Master the steps to serve dynamic content, pass values, and ensure PHP script security.



5 Lessons

Simplify complex topics like session handling, storage, and flash messaging in PHP for secure user data management.



7 Lessons

Build on authenticating users, creating secret pages, setting up login forms, and managing sessions.


Error Handling

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective error handling and configuration in PHP environments.



1 Lessons

Approach advanced PHP concepts like OOP, frameworks, and automated testing for growth.
Certificate of Completion
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