HomeCoursesPractical Data Analysis with SQL



Practical Data Analysis with SQL
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Gain insights into advanced SQL data analysis techniques. Explore producing descriptive statistics, handling missing data, and analyzing time series. Discover aggregating results and preparing data for analysis.
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Course Overview

SQL databases have been around since the 1970s. Some of the smartest people in the world worked on making it easy to slice, dice, fetch and manipulate data quickly and efficiently. SQL databases have come such a long way that many developers and data scientists have lost track of what they can do with plain SQL. In this course, you will learn advanced concepts and techniques for analyzing data using SQL. You will obtain hands-on experience in producing descriptive statistics, breaking a large query into mu...Show More
SQL databases have been around since the 1970s. Some of the smartest people in the world worked on making it easy to slice, dice...Show More


Familiarity with advanced concepts and techniques for analyzing data using SQL
The ability to generate random data for training and benchmarking
Familiarity with datasets through descriptive statistics and histograms
Working knowledge of binning techniques and time series analysis
The ability to produce cumulative aggregation, subtotals, cubes, pivot tables, and data summaries for analysis
The ability to clean and prepare data with interpolation and linear regression
Familiarity with advanced concepts and techniques for analyzing data using SQL

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Data Science

Data Cleaning


Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with SQL's history, standards, and basics for effective data analysis.


Basic SQL for Data Analysis

8 Lessons

Get started with basic SQL query structure, data generation, and creating CTEs for analysis.


Descriptive Statistics

3 Lessons

Examine descriptive statistics using SQL for numerical and categorical series analysis.


Grouping and Subtotals

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to aggregate, analyze, and generate detailed subtotals using SQL techniques.


Running and Cumulative Aggregation

5 Lessons

Dig deeper into running and cumulative aggregation techniques using SQL window functions.



4 Lessons

Focus on handling missing values, filling techniques, and linear interpolation for data accuracy.



4 Lessons

Approach data binning, including equal-height and equal-width techniques, for effective categorization.



1 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in using SQL for comprehensive data analysis and real-world challenges.
Certificate of Completion
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