Creating a Cluster: Running and Verification
Learn to run and verify the cluster having the previously discussed specifications.
We'll cover the following...
Creating the cluster
The command that creates a cluster using the specifications we discussed is as follows:
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kops create cluster \--name $NAME \--master-count 3 \--node-count 1 \--node-size t2.small \--master-size t2.small \--zones $ZONES \--master-zones $ZONES \--ssh-public-key \--networking kubenet \--kubernetes-version v1.14.8 \--yes
Line 3: We specify that the cluster should have three primary nodes and one worker node. Remember, we can always increase the number of workers, so there’s no need to start with more than what we need at the moment.
Lines 5–8: The sizes of both worker and primary nodes are set to
. Both types of nodes will be spread across the three availability zones we specified through the environment ...
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