

Measuring the Actual Memory and CPU Consumption

Measuring the Actual Memory and CPU Consumption

Learn how to measure the actual memory and CPU consumption.

We'll cover the following...

Exploring the options

How did we come up with the current memory and CPU values? Why did we set the memory of the Mongo image to 100Mi? Why not 50Mi or 1Gi? It is embarrassing to admit that the values we have right now are random. We guessed that the containers based on the vfarcic/go-demo-2 image require fewer resources than the Mongo image, so their values are comparatively smaller. That was the only criteria we used to define the resources.

Before we put random values for resources, we should know that we do not have any metrics to back us up. Anybody’s guess is as good as ours.

The only way to truly know how much memory and CPU an application use is by retrieving ...