

Getting Practical with Container Memory and CPU Resources

Getting Practical with Container Memory and CPU Resources

Explore the usage of resources with the help of some practical examples.

In the previous lesson, we discussed the theory of resources. Let’s get practical by looking into some practical examples related to resources.

Creating the resources

We’ll move on and create the resources defined in the go-demo-2-random.yml file.

Press + to interact
kubectl create \
-f go-demo-2-random.yml \
--record --save-config
kubectl rollout status \
deployment go-demo-2-api

We created the resources and waited until the go-demo-2-api Deployment was rolled out. The output of the later command should be as follows.

Press + to interact
deployment "go-demo-2-api" successfully rolled out

Let’s describe the go-demo-2-api Deployment and see its limits ...