Connecting Form Components

Thus far, our application has been non-interactive. We can currently click on Pilot and Mech list items to select them, but there’s no way to modify anything. It’s time to start implementing some interactivity.

Creating the Form Update Logic

Our first task is to hook up the <UnitInfo> form so that we can edit the current unit’s name and change what Battletech House or mercenary group they’re affiliated with. We’ll need to add an action type and a case reducer to handle those updates, then modify <UnitInfo> so that it dispatches the action in response to onChange callbacks from the inputs.

Commit 3360ece: Implement initial unit info update handling

The action/reducer changes are simple. New action type, a matching action creator, and a case reducer:


+import _ from "lodash";

import {DATA_LOADED} from "features/tools/toolConstants";
+import {UNIT_INFO_UPDATE} from "./unitInfoConstants";

+function updateUnitInfo(state, payload) {
+   const updates = _.pick(payload, ["name", "affiliation"]);
+   return {
+       ...state,
+       ...updates
+   };

export default createReducer(initialState, {
    [DATA_LOADED] : dataLoaded,
+   [UNIT_INFO_UPDATE] : updateUnitInfo,

We could create entirely separate action types and reducers for updating the “Name” field and the “Affiliation” field, but that would be a waste of effort. Defining action payloads and reducer logic involves tradeoffs, and it’s up to you to decide when actions should be more specific or more general.

I usually try to avoid reducers that just blindly copy whatever the action contains. In this case, it would be really easy to just do return {...state, ...payload}, but adding the _.pick() call makes it clearer what fields we’re expecting. We could also have destructured the fields we expected and put them back into a new object.

Connecting a Controlled Input

One of the most important concepts to understand when learning React is the idea of “controlled inputs”. If you’re not familiar with controlled inputs, go read Gosha Arinich’s article Controlled and uncontrolled form inputs in React don’t have to be complicated, or the additional articles on forms in React linked at the end of the post.

As a quick summary, a controlled input is an input with a value prop and an onChange handler. That means that the input is being told what its value is at all times, instead of the application asking the input element for its value when it’s time to submit the form. Managing controlled inputs does take additional work, but ultimately makes the application much easier to think about, since all the form data is already being stored by the application.

Values for controlled inputs can be stored by a React component, or passed all the way back to a Redux store. Since the <UnitInfo> component is already connected, we just need to pass in the action creator, add an onChange handler for the “Affiliation” dropdown, and dispatch the action appropriately. While we’re at it, adding a change handler means it’s a good time to convert UnitInfo from a functional component to a class component. We’ll skip that conversion in this snippet for simplicity.

Commit 740ca66: Implement initial change handling for UnitInfo


+import {updateUnitInfo} from "./unitInfoActions";

+const actions = {
+   updateUnitInfo,

class UnitInfo extends Component {
+   onAffiliationChanged = (e, result) => {
+       const {name, value} = result;
+       const newValues = { [name] : value};
+       this.props.updateUnitInfo(newValues);
+   }

// Omit unrelated rendering

+                           name="affiliation"
+                           onChange={this.onAffiliationChanged}

// Omit rest of component

-export default connect(mapState)(UnitInfo);
+export default connect(mapState, actions)(UnitInfo);

A few things to note about the onAffiliationChanged handler:

First, we’re using the stage 3 Class Properties syntax to define an auto-bound method using an arrow function, so that this inside the callback correctly refers to the component instance.

Second, per Semantic-UI-React’s component props documentation for Dropdown, the onChange callback is called with two parameters: the React event object, and a result object that contains the name of the component and its new value (like {name : "affiliation", value : "wd"}). We want to reshape that into something like {affiliation : "wd"}, so we use the ES6 object computed properties syntax to create the new object.

Finally, since we used the object shorthand syntax for binding up action creators with connect(), calling this.props.updateUnitInfo(newValues) immediately dispatches the action.

Now, if we go to the Unit Info tab and select “Draconis Combine” from the dropdown, we should see the dispatched action in our DevTools:

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