HomeCoursesPractical Redux



Practical Redux

Gain insights into modern Redux usage with Redux Toolkit and React-Redux hooks. Delve into updated patterns and practices through comprehensive tutorials. Explore and apply contemporary Redux concepts.
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Hi, I'm Mark Erikson, also known as @acemarke, and I'm a Redux maintainer I wrote this course in 2017. Many of the concepts are still relevant, but Redux usage has changed significantly. We now teach Redux Toolkit as the standard approach for writing Redux logic, and React-Redux hooks as the default for components. I'd recommend reading through the Redux core docs tutorials, which have been rewritten to explain the "modern Redux" patterns we teach today: https://redux.js.org/tutorials/index I've made th...Show More
Hi, I'm Mark Erikson, also known as @acemarke, and I'm a Redux maintainer I wrote this course in 2017. Many of the concepts are...Show More




2 Lessons

Get familiar with advanced Redux techniques through real-world projects and performance optimizations.


Project Planning and Setup

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of setting up and optimizing a Redux project with Create-React-App.


Using Redux-ORM

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of managing normalized relational data in Redux using Redux-ORM tools.


Loading and Displaying Data

7 Lessons

Dig into organizing Redux apps, connecting UI, managing data with Redux-ORM, and implementing selection logic.


Connected Lists, Forms, and Performance

5 Lessons

Tackle connecting list components, optimize performance, and enhance interactivity with connected forms.


Form Change Handling, Data Editing, and Feature Reducers

5 Lessons

Master form handling, enhance reducer logic, and optimize data editing in Redux apps.


Wrapping Up

2 Lessons

Work your way through Redux concepts, project setups, UI layout, and further learning.
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