

Using Draft Data for Editing Pilots

Using Draft Data for Editing Pilots

We'll cover the following...

With those building blocks set, we can now begin updating our <PilotDetails> form to work with the new editing logic and data.

Displaying the Copied Pilot Entry

Since we’re copying edited items from entities to editingEntities, our <PilotDetails> form will need to be able to switch which slice of state it’s reading the pilot data from. We’ll add some additional logic to the mapState function so that it can determine what slice it should use to load the data. We also need to update the action creators to actually dispatch the EDIT_ITEM_EXISTING and EDIT_ITEM_STOP actions at the same time as we dispatch the PILOT_EDIT_START and PILOT_EDIT_STOP actions.

Commit db9b7f7: Add ability to display pilot entry from “draft” editingEntities slice


import {createSelector} from "reselect";

import orm from "app/orm";

export const selectEditingEntities = state => state.editingEntities;

export const getEditingEntitiesSession = createSelector(
    editingEntities => orm.session(editingEntities)

As with our entities slice, we’ll ...