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Getting Comfortable with Python
Introduction to Python for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Python: The Essentials
Variables and String Methods
Collections: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
Booleans, Logic, and Loops
Reviewing Python Datatypes
Introduction to FizzBuzz and Writing a Python Program
Creating a FizzBuzz Program
Conclusion for Your First Python Program
Graphing Thrust Available and Thrust Required
Introduction to Modeling Engine Thrust
Learning about Functions
Thrust Available and Thrust Required at Sea Level
Thrust Available and Thrust Required at 10,000 ft
Thrust Available and Thrust Required at FL350
Conclusion for Graphing Engine Thrust
Graphing Dynamic Pressure During a Rocket Launch
Introduction to Rocket Launches and Dynamic Pressure
Science & Physics Discussion
Getting Set Up with Matplotlib
Dynamic Pressure for an Average Rocket
Adding a Second Average Acceleration
Finishing with a Third Average Acceleration
Putting It All Together
Conclusion for Rocket Launches and Dynamic Pressure
Bonus - Correction to Dynamic Pressure Equations
Getting and Plotting Airfoil Coordinates
Introduction to Requests and Airfoils
Getting Airfoil Coordinates
Troubleshooting Your Program
Standardizing Airfoil Coordinates
Finishing the Airfoil Plotter
Conclusion for Airfoils
Modeling a 2-Body Orbit in 2D and 3D
Overview of Orbital Parameters
2D Static Orbits
2D Animated Orbits
3D Static and Animated Orbits
Creating a GIF
Ending Thoughts and the Molniya Orbit
Unit Conversions
Introduction to Tkinter
Creating a GUI with Hard-Coding
Creating a GUI with Dropdown Menus
Creating a GUI with Entry Fields
Conclusion for Units and GUIs
Introduction to Web Scraping
Introduction to Material Properties
Fetching Text from a Website
Narrowing in on the Data
Interacting with Excel and Finishing the Program
Conclusion for Web Scraping and Saving to Excel
Modeling Camera Shutter Effect
Introduction to Advanced Numpy Usage
Showing Camera Shutter Effect
Conclusion for Advanced Modeling
Writing Reports with Pweave
Introduction to Pweave and Saving PDFs
Using Pweave
Pweaving a Program
Conclusion for Pweave
The End
Concluding Remarks for the Course
External Resources
Python for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Conclusion for Pweave
Conclusion for Pweave
Concluding remarks for making PDF reports.
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