HomeCoursesPython for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



Python for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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Gain insights into using Python for mechanical and aerospace engineering. Learn about basics, graphing techniques, airfoil plotting, and dynamic pressure and orbital modeling in 2D and 3D.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn about the Python programming language in the context of mechanical and aerospace engineering. You will start with the basics of Python, like variables, collections, and different types of loops. Once you have the basics out of the way, the real fun begins. You will learn how to: graph thrust available and thrust required, graph dynamic pressure during a rocket launch, and how to plot airfoil coordinates. Towards the end, you will get a strong overview of orbital parameters...Show More
In this course, you will learn about the Python programming language in the context of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Y...Show More


Learn how to use graphing library for visualizations
Use Python for web scraping and saving data to Excel
Use Python for advanced simulation and modeling
Create reports with code snippets and figures from a Python program
Create a user interface with unit conversions
Learn how to use graphing library for visualizations

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Programming Language

Course Content


Getting Comfortable with Python

6 Lessons

Learn how to use Python for engineering applications, covering essentials, variables, collections, logic, and data types review.



3 Lessons

Get started with the FizzBuzz challenge to reinforce fundamental Python programming skills.


Getting and Plotting Airfoil Coordinates

6 Lessons

Dig into scraping, cleaning, and visualizing airfoil data using Python libraries.


Modeling a 2-Body Orbit in 2D and 3D

6 Lessons

Follow the process of modeling 2D/3D orbits, visualizing trajectories, and creating animations/GIFs.


Unit Conversions

5 Lessons

Build on using Python's Tkinter and Pint libraries for effective unit conversions.


Modeling Camera Shutter Effect

3 Lessons

Walk through modeling the camera shutter effect on spinning objects using Python and Numpy.


Writing Reports with Pweave

4 Lessons

Master the steps to create professional and shareable Python reports using Pweave.


The End

2 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of integrating Python in mechanical and aerospace engineering, and utilizing key external resources.
Certificate of Completion
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