

Prepare the Environment to Support the Database

Prepare the Environment to Support the Database

Learn about the Postgres add-on and how to use it.

Heroku add-ons

Although Heroku supports a wide range of databases, they make Postgres the easiest to use. 

To add a Postgres database, we use the Heroku add-on capability. To see which add-ons are already created for the application, use heroku addons:

$ heroku addons
No add-ons for app intense-bayou-52717.

Postgress add-on

To create an add-on, we need to know both the name of the add-on and the plan. The Postgres database add-on is called heroku-postgresql. Some of the plan options are hobby-dev, hobby-basic, standard-0, and standard-2. There are many more, but we’ll focus on the hobby-dev plan since it has the attractive attribute of being free. All of the others require a monthly fee. On the other hand, the hobby-dev plan is the weakest, allowing only 10,000 records within the table. Since we put the 6000 or so lines of usage examples into a ...