Exercise 2: Proxy

Test your skills of proxy by solving this exercise.

Problem statement

Create a proxy that will receive a method that starts with play and returns the string message “I love to play …” message if the part after play is contained in an activities array field.

For example, when playTennis() is called, the message will be “I love to play Tennis”. If the activity is not contained in the array, the “I don’t play …” message is returned. For any call that does not start with play, an exception should be thrown.

Sample input and output

The sample input calls and their respective outputs are given in the table below.

Input Output
console.log(proxy.playTennis()); I love to play Tennis
console.log(proxy.playFootball()); I love to play Football
console.log(proxy.playPolitics()); I don’t play Politics
console.log(proxy.dance()); dance is not a function


Good luck solving the above challenge!

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