Solution Review: Sets
Let's discuss the solution to the set implementation challenge given in the previous lesson.
We'll cover the following...
The solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson is given below.
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'use strict';class BoundedSet extends Set {constructor(capacity, initialValues) {super();this.capacity = capacity;if(initialValues.length <= capacity) {initialValues.forEach(value => this.add(value));}}add(value) {if(this.has(value)) return;if(this.size < this.capacity) {super.add(value);} else {throw new Error(`exceeded capacity of ${this.capacity} elements`);}}}const set = new BoundedSet(5, ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Grape', 'Mango']);set.add('Orange');set.add('Apple');try {set.add('Tangerine');} catch(ex) {console.log(ex.message); //exceeded capacity of 5 elements}set.delete('Grape');set.add('Peach');console.log(set.size); //5const set2 = new BoundedSet(2, ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Grape']);console.log(set2.size); //0console.log(set2.capacity); //capacity
Let’s start the implementation of BoundedSet
by defining the constructor.
As you know from the object instantiation given at line 24 and line 38; there are two constructor ...
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