

Solution Review: Class Implementation

Solution Review: Class Implementation

Let's find out the solution to the class implementation problem given in the previous lesson.


Let’s take a look at the solution.

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'use strict';
class Book {
constructor(title, author, pages) {
this.title = title;
this.author = author;
this.numberOfPages = pages;
this.sales = 0;
get pages() { return this.numberOfPages; }
get copiesSold() { return this.sales; }
set copiesSold(value) {
if(value < 0) throw new Error(`Value can't be negative`);
this.sales = value;
const book = new Book('Who Moved My Cheese?', 'Spencer Johnson', 96);
console.log(book.title); //Who Moved My Cheese
console.log(book.pages); //96
try {
book.pages = 96;
} catch(ex) {
//Cannot set property pages of #<Book> which has only a getter
console.log(book.copiesSold); //0
book.copiesSold = 1;
console.log(book.copiesSold); //1
try {
book.copiesSold = -2;
} catch(ex) {
console.log(ex.message);//Value can't be negative
console.log(book.copiesSold); //1


Let’s start reviewing the code line by line.


As you can see from the object instantiation at line 21, we need three parameters for implementing the constructor.

  1. The sample output shows that upon calling book.title it prints
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