Home>Courses>Working with Regular Expressions in C#


1h 27min

Certificate of Completion

Working with Regular Expressions in C#

Gain insights into pattern matching with regular expressions in C#. Explore data validation, information extraction, and more using String and Regex APIs with practical examples.
Gain insights into pattern matching with regular expressions in C#. Explore data validation, information extraction, and more using String and Regex APIs with practical examples.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

13 Lessons
32 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Regular expressions provide an extremely powerful method for pattern matching with strings. They are very useful for parsing information like dates, phone numbers, or zip codes from important text files, such as code files, log files, spreadsheets, or documents. The course discusses everyday use cases of regular expressions, e.g., data validation, information extraction, pattern matching, and search and replace. This course will teach you the core concepts of pattern matching, character classes, special an...Show More
Regular expressions provide an extremely powerful method for pattern matching with strings. They are very useful for parsing inf...Show More



Object Oriented Programming

What You'll Learn

An understanding of regular expressions and their applications
Hands-on experience with regular expressions using C# APIs
Working knowledge of RegexOptions, capture groups, and backreferences
The use of regular expressions through string operations
Familiarity with core concepts of character classes, special and meta characters, quantifiers, and conditional regular expressions
An understanding of regular expressions and their applications

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Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with C# regex concepts, APIs, string methods, and practical applications.


Building Blocks of .NET Regular Expressions

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of .NET regular expressions, including syntax, groups, backreferences, and practical applications.


Advanced Concepts

1 Lessons

Master the steps to manage advanced regex topics, considering culture, security, and performance.


Course Wrap Up

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of regex, their applications, and security practices in C#.

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