
This lesson introduces you to a compound data type, Arrays.

What Is an Array? #

An array is a homogenous sequence of elements. Being a compound type, it is used when the collection of values of the same type are to be stored in a single variable. In Rust, an array can only be of a fixed length. Like all other languages, each element in the array is assigned an index. By default, the first element is always at index 0.

Note: By default, arrays are immutable.

Define an Array #

To define an array in Rust, we have to define the type and size of the array. To initialize an array, the array elements are enclosed in square brackets []. The following illustration explains the concept:

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#[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)]
fn main() {
//define an array of size 4
let arr:[i32;4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// initialize an array of size 4 with 0
let arr1 = [0 ; 4];
  • The array arr declaration on line 4 declares an array with elements