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Introduction to Rust
Who Is This Course For?
Why Rust?
Rust Programs
The Basic Program
The Basic Formatting
Printing Styles
Challenge 1: Display Output
Solution Review 1: Display Output
Challenge 2: Display Output Using Placeholders
Solution Review 2: Display Output Using Placeholders
Rust Variables
What Are Variables?
Scope and Shadowing
Challenge: Defining Variables
Solution Review: Defining Variables
Rust Data Types
What Are Data Types?
Numeric Types: Integers and Floats
Character and String
Constant Variables
Challenge 1: Declare an Array
Solution Review 1: Declare an Array
Challenge 2: Declare a Tuple
Solution Review 2: Declare a Tuple
Rust Operators
Introduction to Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Comparison Operators
Bitwise Operators
Assignment and Compound Assignment Operators
Type Casting Operator
Borrowing and Dereferencing Operators
Precedence and Associativity
Challenge: Calculate (a + b)^3
Solution Review: Calculate (a + b)^3
Rust if and if let Expressions
Introduction to Conditional Expression
If Expression
If Let Expression
Match Expression
Comparison of The Different Conditional Constructs
Challenge 1: Check If Even or Odd
Solution Review 1: Check If Even or Odd
Challenge 2: Make a Calculator
Solution Review 2: Make a Calculator
Rust Loops
Introduction to Loops
Definite Loop - For Loop
Indefinite Loop - While and Loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Nested Loops
Loop Labels
Challenge 1: Find The Factorial
Solution Review 1: Find The Factorial
Challenge 2: Count Iterations of a Loop Until a Condition
Solution Review 2: Count Iterations of a Loop Until a Condition
Challenge 3: Print a Right-Angled Triangle
Solution Review 3: Print a Right-Angled Triangle
Rust Functions
Introduction to Functions
Functions With Parameters
Pass by Value
Pass by Reference
Returning a Value From a Function
Function With Multiple Return Values
Functions With Arrays as Arguments
Challenge 1: Check Divisibility by 3 and 4
Solution Review 1: Check Divisibility by 3 and 4
Challenge 2: Return an Array of Squares
Solution Review 2: Return an Array of Squares
Challenge 3: Find nth Fibonacci Number
Solution Review 3: Find nth Fibonacci Number
Rust Strings
Introduction to Strings
Core Methods of String Objects
Iterating Over Strings
Updating a String
Slicing a String
Functions and Strings
Challenge: Concatenate Words Starting With 'c'
Solution Review: Concatenate Words Starting With 'c'
Rust Vectors
Introduction to Vectors
Resizing a Vector
Iterating Over a Vector
Slicing a Vector
Challenge: Resizing a Vector
Solution Review: Resizing a Vector
Rust Structs
Introduction to Structs
Functions and Structs
Methods of Structs
Static Method of Structs
Tuple Structs
Challenge: Calculate Distance Between Two Points
Solution Review: Calculate Distance Between Two Points
Quick Overview
What's Next?
Course Assessment
Rust Exam
Rust Programming Language
What's Next?
What's Next?
Future prospects of learning Rust!
We'll cover the following...
Future With Rust!
Future With Rust!
As discussed earlier,