HomeCoursesSass for CSS: Advanced Frontend Development



Sass for CSS: Advanced Frontend Development

Gain insights into Sass for CSS, exploring nesting, variables, mixins, and more. Discover methods to structure projects and write dynamic, reusable styles for advanced frontend development.
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SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a scripting language known as a CSS preprocessor. CSS preprocessors are compiled into CSS and by doing so, extend the default capabilities of CSS. Sass makes authoring stylesheets faster, easier, and more flexible. It’s a welcome helper in the world of web design, because anyone that’s created a website knows that CSS is hard. In this course, you will learn how to use nesting, variables, mixins, partials, functions and more to write dynamic and reusable styles ...Show More
SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a scripting language known as a CSS preprocessor. CSS preprocessors are compiled in...Show More



Starting with SASS

3 Lessons

Step through SASS basics to write efficient, maintainable, and organized stylesheets.


SASS Features

11 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Sass features for cleaner code, reduced repetition, and improved efficiency.


Structuring your SASS Projects

3 Lessons

Break apart effective methods to structure scalable and modular Sass projects.


Setting up a SASS Build Process

6 Lessons

Break down the steps to automate, compile, concatenate, prefix, compress, and build SASS efficiently.


Bonus: Setting up Media Queries with SASS Mixins

1 Lessons

Take a closer look at enhancing responsive design with SASS mixins for media queries.



1 Lessons

Ensure local Sass setup with Node.js, configure project, and enable live updates.
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