HomeCoursesSeamless Shipping with the Shippo API in JavaScript



Seamless Shipping with the Shippo API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into using the Shippo API for seamless shipping in JavaScript. Discover authentication, creating shipments, integrating carriers, generating rate quotes, and tracking packages in a React web app.
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Course Overview

Shippo is a shipment management platform to create, track, and bill shipping on various carriers. The Shippo API allows e-commerce merchants to integrate these shipping functions directly into digital storefronts and create a seamless customer experience. This course is an introduction to the Shippo API and its endpoints. You’ll start with the authentication for your application using Shippo’s developer environment before moving on to requesting and generating shipping data. You’ll create your shipment det...Show More
Shippo is a shipment management platform to create, track, and bill shipping on various carriers. The Shippo API allows e-commer...Show More


An understanding of shipment APIs and their applications
Familiarity with the Shippo API and its various endpoints
Working knowledge of how to create a seamless customer experience for e-commerce applications using Shippo
Hands-on experience with the Shippo platform for generating parcel shipping in e-commerce
An understanding of shipment APIs and their applications

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API Integration


Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating the Shippo API for managing and tracking online shipments.


Shippo API Endpoints

6 Lessons

Walk through validating addresses, creating parcels, managing shipments, rates, transactions, and tracking.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Explore integrating Shippo API in React for managing shipments, creating addresses, parcels, and transactions.



1 Lessons

Find out about completing the Shippo API course and exploring further insights.
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