Develop the Business Service Tier
Let's see how the business service can be developed for a one-to-many self-referencing relationship scenario
We'll cover the following...
We will now proceed to the business service tier.
“Find all records” operation
First, we will look at the “find all records” operation.
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@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath:context.xml" } )@TransactionConfiguration( defaultRollback = true )@Transactionalpublic class CategoryServiceImplTest {@Autowiredprivate CategoryService service;@Testpublic void testFindAll() {Assert.assertEquals(0L, service.findAll().size());}}
Let’s learn how to package the routine in the business service.
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@Service@Transactionalpublic class CategoryServiceImpl implements CategoryService{@Autowiredprivate CategoryDao dao;@Autowiredprivate CategoryMapper mapper;@Overridepublic List<CategoryDto> findAll() {List<Category> categories = dao.getAll();List<CategoryDto> categoryDtos = new ArrayList<CategoryDto>();if(null !=categories && categories.size() > 0){for(Category category : categories){categoryDtos.add(mapper.mapEntityToDto(category));}}return categoryDtos;}}
As we said earlier, we have a mapper that converts data access objects into entities and vice-versa. This has two prominent procedures displayed below. ...