Develop the Business Service Tier
Let's see how the business service can be developed for a one-to-one unidirectional relationship scenario.
We'll cover the following...
We will begin working with the business service tier, seeing as the data access tier has been developed and is ready for integration.
“Find all records” operation
First, let’s look at the test for the find all records operation. Since this is the first function being tested, the other operations are still not developed and only the find all records operation can be tested with zero records returned when the table is empty.
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@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath:context.xml" } )@TransactionConfiguration( defaultRollback = true )@Transactionalpublic class BookServiceImplTest {@Autowiredprivate BookService service ;@Testpublic void testFindAll() {Assert.assertEquals(0L, service.findAll().size());}}
Look at how to code the matching method in the business service. The data access tier uses entities, and the business service tier uses data ...