

Develop the Business Service Tier

Develop the Business Service Tier

Let's see how the business service can be developed for a many-to-many bi-directional relationship scenario.

“Find all records” operation

First, we will check the test to find all the records.

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@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )
@ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath:context.xml" } )
@TransactionConfiguration( defaultRollback = true )
public class ClientAccountServiceImplTest {
private ClientService clientService;
private AccountService accountService;
private ClientAccountService clientAccountService;
public void testFindAll() {
Assert.assertEquals(0L, clientAccountService.findAll().size());

Let’s review how to code this method in the business service.

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public class ClientAccountServiceImpl implements ClientAccountService {
private ClientDao clientDao;
private ClientMapper clientMapper;
private AccountDao accountDao;
private AccountMapper accountMapper;
private ClientAccountDao clientAccountDao;
public List<ClientAccountDto> findAll() {
List<ClientAccountDto> clientAccountDtos = new ArrayList<ClientAccountDto>();
List<Client> clientList = clientAccountDao.getAll();
for(Client client : clientList) {
ClientDto clientDto = clientMapper.mapEntityToDto(client);
Set<Account> accounts = client.getAccounts();
for(Account account : accounts) {
ClientAccountDto clientAccountDto = new ClientAccountDto();
AccountDto accountDto = accountMapper.mapEntityToDto(account);
return clientAccountDtos;

Create operation

Let’s move on to the create test operation that creates one incidence of the ...