Dashboard Cloud Deployment

Break down the components of Google cloud deployment.

In order to build scalable data science pipelines, it’s necessary to move beyond single-machine scripts and move to clusters of machines. While this is possible to do with an on-premises setup, a common trend is using cloud computing environments in order to achieve large-scale processing. We’ll use cloud services to deploy the dashboard app on a server. There are a number of different options available, and we’ll use App Engine in Google Cloud Platform.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on highly scalable and reliable infrastructure. It provides various cloud services, including computing, storage, data analytics, and machine learning. We are going to deploy the TSP dashboard on a GCP server.

Google Cloud project

First of all, we must have a project set up in GCP. Google Cloud project is a service that allows us to create, manage, and deploy applications and services on Google’s infrastructure.

Command-line interface

The gcloud (Google Cloud) command-line interface (CLI) is the primary CLI tool to create and manage gcloud resources. We can perform many common platform tasks from the command line. First, download CLI if it isn’t already downloaded.

We first initialize a configuration to be able to work with the Google Cloud project within the command line:

gcloud init

Log in with the existing account, ...