Getting Started
Get a brief introduction to what we’ll learn in this course.
We'll cover the following...
The Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization task. It involves finding the shortest possible route between a set of locations, visiting each place only once, and returning to the starting point.
Why take this course?
TSP is a useful programming task because it’s a good example of a real-world problem with a wide range of applications. In addition to route optimization, it can also be used to solve problems in logistics and biology. This course uses Python to solve TSP because it’s one of the most popular programming languages in the field of data science. Learning how to solve TSP with Python can help us become more efficient problem solvers and develop our programming skills. We’ll enrich geospatial data through data mining techniques, such as clustering, and add real value through visualizations. In this TSP course, we’ll learn to solve complex optimization problems to fully and approximately minimize routes and costs, all this through the development of creative solutions.
What makes this course special?
This course demonstrates the programmatic solution of TSP.
Programming is key to success.
It shows how to visually present data-enriched results.
Data visualization is key to understanding.
Finally, a TSP app is programmed and deployed.
Deployment is key to availability.
By taking a holistic approach, we’ll solve TSP, learn to visualize the results, and deploy the app. The course is designed to make it as easy as possible to apply the techniques we learn to our own data.
How is this course structured?
A general outline of this course is as follows:
2D and 3D geodiscovery
Calculating distances
Calculating shortest routes
Adding additional features and creating a dashboard (sales, margin, etc.)
Building an application
Deploying the application (PyInstaller, Docker, GCP)
We’ll approach the task of solving TSP with Python step by step, using a real-life example. That is all we need, and any additional Python packages used will be explained in detail. No prior experience is needed to take this course. However, already having some (Python) programming knowledge definitely helps. Because we’ll be working on TSP using a concrete example, we’ll learn a lot of basic Python tips and tricks. Among other things, we’ll create an interactive dashboard during this course similar to the one below, which will demonstrate various parameters of TSP.
# Import necessary libraries from dash import Dash, html, dcc, Input, Output import pandas as pd import as px import numpy as np # to draw route lines import plotly.graph_objects as go # read data from CSV file and perform data transformations df = pd.read_csv('StoreClusterCwDashi.csv') # group the data by specified columns and calculate the mean for each group crossDf = df.groupby(['CW', 'Store', 'Segment', 'StoreName']).mean() # stack the grouped data to create a Pandas Series 'sf' sf = crossDf.stack() # convert the Pandas Series 'sf' back into a DataFrame called 'crossDf' crossDf = pd.DataFrame(sf) # reset the index of the DataFrame and move index levels to columns crossDf = crossDf.reset_index() # rename specific columns in the DataFrame crossDf.rename(columns={'level_4': 'Indicator Name', 0: 'Value', 'CW': 'CW', 'StoreName': 'Store Name'}, inplace=True) # get shortest route shortesRoute = pd.read_csv('ShortestRoute.csv', sep=';') longitude = shortesRoute['lon'] latitude = shortesRoute['lat'] # initialize the Dash app app = Dash(__name__, title='Educative TSP', update_title='Educative is updating..') PAGE_SIZE = 5 image_path = 'assets/dashboard-educative-logo.png' # define the layout of the app app.layout = html.Div([ # Header with logo html.Div([ html.H1('', style={'display': 'inline-block', 'height': '50px'}), html.Img(src=image_path, style={'height': '50px'}) ]), html.Div([ dcc.Graph( id='crossfilter-indicator-scatter', config={ "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d']}, hoverData={'points': [{'customdata': 0}]} ), dcc.Graph( id='crossfilter-indicator-scatters', config={ "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': []} ), ], style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '0 20'}), html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='x-time-series', config={ "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d']}, ), dcc.Graph(id='y-time-series', config={ "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d']}, ), dcc.Graph(id='z-time-series', config={ "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d']}, ), dcc.Graph(id='y-time-series3', config={ # third graph "displaylogo": False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d']}, ), ], style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '49%'}), html.P("Please use the sliders below to select the KPI."), html.Div([ html.Div([ html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( crossDf['Indicator Name'].unique(), 'NetSales', id='crossfilter-xaxis-column', ) , dcc.RadioItems( [], 'Linear', id='crossfilter-xaxis-type', labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'marginTop': '5px'} ) ]), ], style={'width': '49%', 'display': 'inline-block'}), html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( crossDf['Indicator Name'].unique(), 'Recency', id='crossfilter-yaxis-column' ) , dcc.Dropdown( crossDf['Indicator Name'].unique(), 'Frequency', id='crossfilter-zaxis-column' ) , dcc.Dropdown( crossDf['Indicator Name'].unique(), 'OverallScore', id='crossfilter-qaxis-column' ), dcc.Dropdown(id='continent-dropdown', options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in np.append([0], crossDf['Store Name'].unique())], multi=True, value=0 ), dcc.Dropdown(id='ClusterCat-dropdown', options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in np.append(['All'], crossDf['Segment'].unique())], multi=True, value='All' ), dcc.RadioItems( [], 'Linear', id='crossfilter-yaxis-type', labelStyle={'display': 'inline-block', 'marginTop': '5px'} ) ], style={'width': '49%', 'float': 'right', 'display': 'inline-block'}) ], style={ 'padding': '10px 5px' }), html.Div(dcc.Slider( crossDf['CW'].min(), crossDf['CW'].max(), step=None, id='crossfilter-CW--slider', value=crossDf['CW'].max(), marks={str(int): str(int) for int in crossDf['CW'].unique()} ), style={'width': '49%', 'padding': '0px 20px 20px 20px'}), ]) @app.callback( Output('crossfilter-indicator-scatter', 'figure'), Output('crossfilter-indicator-scatters', 'figure'), Input('crossfilter-xaxis-column', 'value'), # 1st input Input('crossfilter-yaxis-column', 'value'), # 2nd input Input('crossfilter-zaxis-column', 'value'), # 3rd input Input('crossfilter-xaxis-type', 'value'), # 4th input Input('crossfilter-yaxis-type', 'value'), # 5th input Input('continent-dropdown', 'value'), # SpHA Input('crossfilter-CW--slider', 'value'), # 6th input Input('crossfilter-qaxis-column', 'value'), Input('ClusterCat-dropdown', 'value')) def update_graph(xaxis_column_name, yaxis_column_name, zaxis_column_name, xaxis_type, yaxis_type, Cust_value, CW_value, qaxis_column_name, CusterCat_value): # # filtering based on the slide and dropdown selection if Cust_value == 0: crossDff = crossDf.loc[crossDf['CW'] == CW_value] else: crossDff = crossDf.loc[(crossDf['CW'] == CW_value) & (crossDf['Store Name'].isin(Cust_value))] if CusterCat_value == 'All': crossDff = crossDff.loc[crossDff['CW'] == CW_value] else: crossDff = crossDff.loc[(crossDff['CW'] == CW_value) & (crossDff['Segment'].isin(CusterCat_value))] fig = px.scatter_geo(lat=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == 'lat']['Value'], lon=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == 'lon']['Value'], hover_name=crossDff.loc[crossDf['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Store Name'], projection="natural earth", size=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name]['Value'], color=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name][ 'Value']) # fitbounds="locations" for zoom # added route between stores for i in range(1, len(shortesRoute)): start_lat = shortesRoute.loc[i - 1, 'lat'] start_lon = shortesRoute.loc[i - 1, 'lon'] end_lat = shortesRoute.loc[i, 'lat'] end_lon = shortesRoute.loc[i, 'lon'] line_trace = go.Scattergeo( lat=[start_lat, end_lat, None], lon=[start_lon, end_lon, None], mode='lines', line=dict(width=2, color='blue') ) fig.add_trace(line_trace) # removes the legend for the routes fig.update_layout( showlegend=False ) # calculate the longitude and latitude ranges with padding padding_factor = 0.01 min_lon = longitude.min() - padding_factor max_lon = longitude.max() + padding_factor min_lat = latitude.min() - padding_factor max_lat = latitude.max() + padding_factor # set the ranges to zoom to the area of store locations fig.update_geos(lonaxis_range=[min_lon, max_lon], lataxis_range=[min_lat, max_lat]) fig.update_traces(customdata=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name][ 'Store Name']) # updating of selected cust above first time series chart fig.update_xaxes(title=xaxis_column_name, type='linear' if xaxis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') # updating of x in first scatter graph fig.update_yaxes(title=yaxis_column_name, type='linear' if yaxis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') # updating of y in first scatter graph fig.update_layout(margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 0}, hovermode='closest', template="plotly_white") fig2 = px.scatter_3d(x=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name]['Value'], y=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Value'], z=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == zaxis_column_name]['Value'], color=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name]['Segment'], hover_name=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Store Name'], labels=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name]['Segment'] # ,labels={"color":zaxis_column_name} ) fig2.update_traces(customdata=crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name]['Store Name']) fig2.update_xaxes(title=xaxis_column_name, type='linear' if xaxis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig2.update_yaxes(title=yaxis_column_name, type='linear' if yaxis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig2.update_yaxes(title=zaxis_column_name, type='linear' if yaxis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig2.update_layout(margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 0}, hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, template="plotly_white") return fig, fig2 def create_time_series(crossDff, axis_type, title): fig = px.scatter(crossDff, x='CW', y='Value') fig.update_traces(mode='lines+markers') fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, type='category') # only display int for weeks on x axis fig.update_yaxes(type='linear' if axis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0.85, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', xref='paper', yref='paper', showarrow=False, align='left', text=title) fig.update_layout(height=225, margin={'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10}, template="plotly_white") return fig def create_Sp_graph(crossDff, axis_type, title): fig = px.scatter(crossDff, x='CW', y='Value') fig.update_traces(mode='lines+markers') fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, type='category') # only display int for weeks on x axis fig.update_yaxes(type='linear' if axis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0.85, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', xref='paper', yref='paper', showarrow=False, align='left', text=title) fig.update_layout(height=225, margin={'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10}, template="plotly_white") return fig def create_time_seriesSp(crossDff, axis_type, title): fig = px.scatter(crossDff, x='CW', y='Value') fig.update_traces(mode='lines+markers') fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, type='category') # only display int for weeks on x axis fig.update_yaxes(type='linear' if axis_type == 'Linear' else 'log') fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0.85, xanchor='left', yanchor='bottom', xref='paper', yref='paper', showarrow=False, align='left', text=title) fig.update_layout(height=225, margin={'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10}, template="plotly_white") return fig @app.callback( Output('x-time-series', 'figure'), Input('crossfilter-indicator-scatter', 'hoverData'), Input('crossfilter-xaxis-column', 'value'), Input('crossfilter-xaxis-type', 'value')) def update_y_timeseries(hoverData, xaxis_column_name, axis_type): country_name = hoverData['points'][0]['customdata'] crossDff = crossDf[crossDf['Store Name'] == country_name] crossDff = crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == xaxis_column_name] title = '<b>{}</b><br>{}'.format(country_name, xaxis_column_name) return create_time_series(crossDff, axis_type, title) @app.callback( Output('y-time-series', 'figure'), Input('crossfilter-indicator-scatter', 'hoverData'), Input('crossfilter-yaxis-column', 'value'), Input('crossfilter-yaxis-type', 'value')) def update_x_timeseries(hoverData, yaxis_column_name, axis_type): crossDff = crossDf[crossDf['Store Name'] == hoverData['points'][0]['customdata']] crossDff = crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == yaxis_column_name] return create_time_series(crossDff, axis_type, yaxis_column_name) @app.callback( # third time series chart Output('z-time-series', 'figure'), Input('crossfilter-indicator-scatter', 'hoverData'), Input('crossfilter-zaxis-column', 'value'), Input('crossfilter-yaxis-type', 'value')) def update_x_timeseries(hoverData, zaxis_column_name, axis_type): crossDff = crossDf[crossDf['Store Name'] == hoverData['points'][0]['customdata']] crossDff = crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == zaxis_column_name] return create_Sp_graph(crossDff, axis_type, zaxis_column_name) @app.callback( # fourth time series chart Output('y-time-series3', 'figure'), Input('crossfilter-indicator-scatter', 'hoverData'), Input('crossfilter-qaxis-column', 'value'), Input('crossfilter-yaxis-type', 'value')) def update_x_timeseries(hoverData, zaxis_column_name, axis_type): crossDff = crossDf[crossDf['Store Name'] == hoverData['points'][0]['customdata']] crossDff = crossDff[crossDff['Indicator Name'] == zaxis_column_name] return create_time_seriesSp(crossDff, axis_type, zaxis_column_name) # run the app if __name__ == '__main__':, host = '',port=8100)
With this expertise, we’ll be able to successfully tackle other optimization problems using Python, such as optimizing the sequence of tasks in a manufacturing process, etc.