Network Graph

See the effectiveness of network diagrams for illustrating TSP using bokeh.

When thinking about the representation of geodata on maps, a connection to network graphs might not immediately come to mind. In this course, however, thinking outside the box is emphasized. From a graph point of view, TSP is called a Hamiltonian cycleThe Hamiltonian cycle is named after William Rowan Hamilton, an Irish mathematician who made significant contributions to graph theory., which is a closed loop that visits each vertex (store) exactly once. Instead of referring to them as store locations, we can also call them nodes. Every node will be visited once, so every node has exactly one predecessor and one successor.

Network graph

Network graphs (sometimes called knowledge graphs) represent a collection of interconnected entities organized into contexts via links and semantic metadata. They provide a framework for data integration and analysis. The ability to do this can provide more context to the metrics recorded by a network ...