

Saving, Updating, and Removing Documents

Saving, Updating, and Removing Documents

Explore documents and repositories through the Spring Data MongoDB framework.

Spring Data MongoDB allows saving, updating, and removing documents through its effortless integration. It offers intuitive methods like save, findByIdAndUpdate, and deleteById to perform these operations on MongoDB collections with greater ease.


In MongoDB, documents are the basic unit of data storage. They are JSON-like structures that store data as key-value pairs, allowing flexible and schemaless data modeling.

We’ll cover the same example of the Book and Author POJOs referencing the book and author database documents and convert them into MongoDB document classes.

Create a Book document

Let’s learn a few handy annotations to transform a POJO into a MongoDB document.

The most common annotations are @Document and @Id:

  • The @Document annotation allows mapping a POJO to a database document by the underlying data access layer.

  • The @Id annotation allows mapping a property to an identifier in the database document.

We can use these annotations to convert the Book POJO from the com.smartdiscover.document package to a ...