HomeCoursesSpring Data: Bridging Multiple Databases



Spring Data: Bridging Multiple Databases
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Gain insights into integrating Spring Data with databases like JDBC, JPA, MongoDB, Redis, Neo4j, Cassandra, and Elasticsearch. Learn to create applications connecting seamlessly to diverse data sources.
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Course Overview

This course will teach you how to seamlessly integrate Spring Data with various data sources, including relational and nonrelational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud-based data services. You’ll start this course by exploring Spring Data JDBC and Spring Data JPA for efficient access to relational databases. Next, you’ll dive into NoSQL databases with Spring Data MongoDB and Spring Data Redis, venture into graph databases with Spring Data Neo4j, and explore the world of distributed databases with...Show More
This course will teach you how to seamlessly integrate Spring Data with various data sources, including relational and nonrelati...Show More


Hands-on experience integrating various data sources using Spring Data
Familiarity with Spring Data modules
An understanding of low-level standards for database interaction using Spring Data JDBC
Hands-on experience working with relational databases using Spring Data JPA
Familiarity with Spring Data capabilities like auditing, transactions, and caching
The ability to work with data sources like MongoDB, Redis, Couchbase, and Elasticsearch
Hands-on experience integrating various data sources using Spring Data

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Database Design

Course Content


Introduction to Spring Data

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Spring Data framework, configuring Spring Boot, and Domain-Driven Design principles.


Spring Data in Detail

8 Lessons

Unpack the core of Spring Data modules, repositories, query methods, custom repositories, projections, domain events, and Querydsl integration.


Spring Data JDBC

6 Lessons

Work your way through Spring Data JDBC configuration, POJO integration, MyBatis uses, auditing, and locking.


Spring Data JPA

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of setting up, managing, and auditing data with Spring Data JPA.


Spring Data Redis

10 Lessons

Tackle Spring Data Redis setup, object mapping, direct ops, messaging, streams, transactions, and reactive support for efficient application integration.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Find out about implementing effective data persistence and optimizing data access.
Certificate of Completion
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