HomeCoursesSwift Programming for Mobile App Development



Swift Programming for Mobile App Development
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Delve into Swift programming for mobile app development, covering data types, OOP, logic, file management, and error handling. Gain foundational knowledge to advance in Apple platforms.
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Course Overview

Swift is a modern and intuitive programming language that ranks among the top programming languages for mobile app development. Originally developed by Apple, Swift is now the recommended programming language for developing apps for all Apple platforms including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. If you plan to write an app for an Apple device, you will need to learn to program in Swift. In this course, you will cover topics ranging from basic data types, constants and variables, arrays, dictionaries...Show More
Swift is a modern and intuitive programming language that ranks among the top programming languages for mobile app development. ...Show More


Understand the origins of the Swift programming language
Learn the fundamentals of writing code in Swift
Gain experience writing well structured, object-oriented code
Become a proficient Swift programmer
Understand the origins of the Swift programming language

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Mobile App Development

Course Content


Welcome to Swift

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Swift's origins, its syntax, and introductory coding practices.


Swift Types, Constants, and Variables

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of Swift's types, constants, variables, and their practical applications.


Swift Operators and Expressions

3 Lessons

Break apart Swift's operators and expressions for data manipulation, logical evaluations, and control flow.


Swift Control Flow

3 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on loops, conditional statements, and switch cases for streamlined control flow.


Swift Functions, Methods, and Closures

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at Swift functions, methods, and closures to improve coding efficiency.


Swift Object-Oriented Programming

5 Lessons

Focus on Swift object-oriented principles, self keyword, properties, protocols, subclassing, and extensions.


Swift Structures and Enumerations

2 Lessons

Master the steps to utilize Swift structures and enumerations effectively in app development.


Swift Property Wrappers

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Swift Property Wrappers to enhance code efficiency and reuse behavior.


Swift Array and Dictionary Collections

2 Lessons

Solve challenges with Swift's robust array and dictionary data collections.


Swift Error Handling

1 Lessons

Gain a foundational understanding of Swift error handling, crucial for resilient app development.


Working with Files and Directories in Swift

3 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage directories and files using Swift's FileManager and FileHandle classes.


Continuing Your Journey into Swift

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at advancing Swift skills, Apple Developer Program, Xcode, Playgrounds, and further learning.



1 Lessons

Tackle Swift resources, tools, guides, and essential reading for mobile app development.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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