Coding Challenge: Students Results
Let's practice how to return the names and average marks of only the female students from a list of students.
We'll cover the following
Problem statement
Complete the following program to compute and return the female student’s results (name and average grade). Refactor it using functional programming. Execution results must stay the same.
const students = [
name: "Anna",
sex: "f",
grades: [4.5, 3.5, 4]
name: "Dennis",
sex: "m",
country: "Germany",
grades: [5, 1.5, 4]
name: "Martha",
sex: "f",
grades: [5, 4, 2.5, 3]
name: "Brock",
sex: "m",
grades: [4, 3, 2]
Expected output
[ { name: 'Anna', sex: 'f', grades: 4 },
{ name: 'Martha', sex: 'f', grades: 3.625 } ]
Coding exercise
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