/Solution: Create a Character Inventory Class
Solution: Create a Character Inventory Class
Let's see the solution to the Character Inventory challenge.
We'll cover the following...
Here, we create an attack()
method that manages the character inventory.
Let’s have a look at the solution code below:
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class Character {constructor(name, health, strength) {this.name = name;this.health = health;this.strength = strength;this.xp = 0; // XP is always zero for new charactersthis.inventory = [10,1]; // Gold: inventory[0] and Keys: inventory[1]}// Attack a targetattack(target) {if (this.health > 0) {const damage = this.strength;console.log(`${this.name} attacks ${target.name} and causes ${damage} damage points`);target.health -= damage;if (target.health > 0) {console.log(`${target.name} has ${target.health} health points left`);} else {target.health = 0;const bonusXP = 10;const goldWon = target.inventory[0];const keysWon = target.inventory[1];console.log(`${this.name} eliminated ${target.name} and wins ${bonusXP} experience pointsand ${goldWon} gold and ${keysWon} keys`);this.xp += bonusXP;this.inventory[0] += goldWon;this.inventory[1] += keysWon;}} else {console.log(`${this.name} can't attack (they've been eliminated)`);}}// Return the character descriptiondescribe() {return `${this.name} has ${this.health} health points, ${this.strength} as strength and ${this.xp} XP points and ${this.inventory[0]} goldand ${this.inventory[1]} keys`;}}const aurora = new Character("Aurora", 150, 25);const glacius = new Character("Glacius", 130, 30);const monster = new Character("Spike", 40, 20);monster.attack(aurora);monster.attack(glacius);aurora.attack(monster);glacius.attack(monster);
Let’s enjoy the game by changing the characters’ health and strength. ...