Programming with Objects

Let's dig out a little more interesting concepts about Objects in JavaScript.

Many books and courses teach object-oriented programming through examples involving animals, cars or bank accounts. Let’s try something cooler and create a mini-role playing game (RPG) using objects. In a role-playing game, each character is defined by many attributes like strength, stamina or intelligence. Here’s the character screen of a very popular online RPG.

Show online RPG manu
Show online RPG manu

In our simpler example, a character will have three attributes:

  • her name,
  • her health (number of life points),
  • her strength.

A naive example

Let me introduce you to Aurora, our first RPG character.

Press + to interact
const aurora = {
name: "Aurora",
health: 150,
strength: 25

The aurora object has three properties: name, health and strength.

As you can see, you can assign numbers, strings, and even other objects to properties!

Aurora is about to start a series of ...