HomeCoursesThe Easiest Way to Learn Design Patterns in C#



The Easiest Way to Learn Design Patterns in C#
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Gain insights into C# design patterns, learn about SOLID principles, and explore behavioral, creational, and structural patterns through real-world examples to create scalable, maintainable software projects.
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Course Overview

A deep understanding of design patterns and the ability to apply them to relevant design challenges is key to writing good code. They ensure the code is easy to understand and maintain, can be extended in the face of evolving requirements, and can be reused as needed. This course will help you learn design patterns by providing context for using each design pattern and mapping it to common real-world problems that developers can relate to. It also provides hands-on code examples in C# to help apply the lea...Show More
A deep understanding of design patterns and the ability to apply them to relevant design challenges is key to writing good code....Show More


An understanding of classic design patterns
Hands-on experience in applying design patterns in C#
Familiarity with behavioral, creational, and structural design patterns
An understanding of the problems where design patterns can be applied
An understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of applying specific design patterns
An understanding of classic design patterns

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Course Content


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with design patterns, their challenges, practical applications, and UML conventions in C#.


SOLID Principles and Their Importance

18 Lessons

Discover the logic behind SOLID principles and their significance in object-oriented programming for enhancing software design.


Applications of Design Patterns

19 Lessons

Master the steps to applying design patterns to common software problems, enhancing code adaptability and maintainability.


Classifying the Design Patterns

1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creational, structural, and behavioral design pattern categories.


Behavioral Design Patterns

32 Lessons

Build on object interaction and responsibility delegation in behavioral design patterns.



2 Lessons

Step through key design patterns in C# and their applications for improved code quality.



1 Lessons

Get started with setting up a local development environment for practicing C# design patterns.
Certificate of Completion
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