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Before We Begin
What to Expect
Introduction to JUnit 5
Introduction to Testing Pyramid and Unit Testing
Introduction to JUnit 5
JUnit 5 Architecture
Our First Unit Test with JUnit 5
Quiz Yourself on JUnit 5 Architecture
Junit 5 Core Concepts
Structuring Tests Using the AAA Approach
Understanding JUnit 5 Life Cycle
Conditional Execution
Nested Tests
Tagged Tests
Repeated Tests
Parameterized Tests
Disabled Tests
Quiz Yourself on JUnit5 Core Concepts
Dynamic Tests
`TestFactory` Annotation
Dependency Injection in JUnit 5
Using the TestInfoParameterResolver Class
Using the TestReporterParameterResovler Class
Using the RepetitionInfoParameterResolver Class
JUnit 5 Extensions
JUnit 5 Extension Model
Using the `TestInstancePostProcessor` Extension
Using the `ExecutionCondition` Extension
Using Life Cycle Callback Extensions
Using the ParameterResolver Extension
Using TestExecutionExceptionHandler Extension
Different Ways to Register Extensions
Quiz Yourself on JUnit 5 Extensions
Migrating from Junit 4 to Junit 5
Difference between JUnit 4 and JUnit 5
Rule Support in JUnit 5
IDE Support for JUnit 5
Setting up JUnit 5 with Maven
Setting up JUnit 5 with Gradle
Running JUnit5 Tests with Maven
Running JUnit5 Tests with Gradle
Running JUnit 4 Tests in Junit 5
BONUS: Useful Assertion Libraries
What's Next?
Unit Testing Java Applications using JUnit 5
Introduction to JUnit 5
Introduction to JUnit 5
Learn the basics of JUnit 5 and its brief history.
We'll cover the following...
What is JUnit 5?
Supported Java versions
JUnit 5 modules
What is JUnit 5?