Using the TestReporterParameterResovler Class

Understand the use of dependency injection in JUnit 5 using TestReporterParameterResolver class.

Dependency injection allows us to access additional data about the test using the TestReporterParameterResolver interface.

This interface provides an instance of TestReporter, which facilitates different methods to publish report entries for the test under execution.

Use case

We use the TestReporter interface to print stdout (standard output) or stderr (standard error output) in JUnit4.

The publishEntry() method is used to report or print any debug messages inside our tests.

The TestReporter interface contains one publishEntry abstract method and a couple of default publishEntry methods.

Similarly to the TestInfo interface, we can inject the TestReporter interface into constructors, test methods, and life cycle callbacks.


The below code demonstrates the use of the TestReporter interface.

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