HomeCoursesUnit Testing Java Applications using JUnit 5


3h 30min

Unit Testing Java Applications using JUnit 5

Gain insights into unit testing with JUnit 5. Learn about assertions, assumptions, nested and parameterized tests, advanced JUnit 5 concepts, and integrating tests with Maven and Gradle.
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Unit Testing is a basic and essential skill to learn for any developer. In this course, you will learn what unit tests are, why they are important, and how to test your Java applications using the JUnit 5 Framework — the most popular unit testing framework in the market for Java developers. You will start with the fundamentals of Unit Testing and JUnit 5 and then gradually you will dive deep into the core concepts like assertions, assumptions, different types of tests like nested tests, parameterized test...Show More
Unit Testing is a basic and essential skill to learn for any developer. In this course, you will learn what unit tests are, why ...Show More


Learn unit testing
Write unit tests using JUnit 5
Implement unit testing
Migrate JUnit4 tests to JUnit 5
Integrate JUnit 5 with Maven and Gradle
Learn advanced concepts of JUnit 5
Learn unit testing

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Unit Testing



Before We Begin

1 Lessons

Get familiar with unit testing Java applications using JUnit 5 and modern testing techniques.


Introduction to JUnit 5

5 Lessons

Look at JUnit 5 foundations, architecture, and creating your first unit test.


Junit 5 Core Concepts

11 Lessons

Explore JUnit 5 core testing concepts: AAA structure, assertions, assumptions, lifecycle, conditional execution, nested, tagged, repeated, and parameterized tests.


Dynamic Tests

1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating and executing dynamic tests using @TestFactory in JUnit 5.


Dependency Injection in JUnit 5

3 Lessons

Dig into JUnit 5’s dependency injection features for enhanced test flexibility and reporting.


Migrating from Junit 4 to Junit 5

2 Lessons

Approach migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5, highlighting key differences and new rule support.


BONUS: Useful Assertion Libraries

3 Lessons

Get started with assertion libraries like AssertJ, Hamcrest, and JSONAssert to enhance testing.



1 Lessons

Examine further steps and resources to deepen expertise in unit testing.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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