AWS Lambda and SAM
Learn about Amazon Web Services and how to deploy our application in the cloud.
We'll cover the following...
In our first project, we consciously limited ourselves to the basics. We created an example event and passed it to our application from our IDE. Furthermore, we simply printed results in the output instead of saving them to a database and taking additional actions.
Now, we’ll expand our scope. We’ll actually deploy and run our application in the cloud, bringing us one step closer to the look of a real project. Instead of starting with our types, we’ll adopt a looser approach, coding as we go. But first, a word about our platform, AWS Lambda.
What does AWS offer?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud provider. Rather than running software on our own computer or in a data center, we can pay AWS for its services, including the most basic one, EC2. In addition to pure compute, AWS also offers storage (S3), databases (both SQL and NoSQL), containerized compute (ECS, EKS, Fargate), AI, and many other useful services (such as SQS for queues or SES for emails). Much of what AWS offers falls under the managed services category, where the cloud provider takes care of all or most of the underlying infrastructure.
Some years ago, AWS introduced serverless computing ...