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HomeCoursesUsing fp-ts for Functional Programming in TypeScript



Using fp-ts for Functional Programming in TypeScript

Gain insights into functional programming with TypeScript. Learn about core fp-ts functionality and monads like Option and Either to enhance your TypeScript projects effectively.
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This course includes
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Personalized Learning
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111 Lessons
10 Quizzes
Certificate of Completion


Functional programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes immutability and pure functions. It not only makes code easier to understand, test, and parallelize, but also offers improved performance. TypeScript is a statically-typed object-oriented programming language that builds on JavaScript. Although TypeScript is not a purely functional programming language, it can be used to write functional code too. This course is for beginners with little to no knowledge of TypeScript and functional programmi...Show More
Functional programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes immutability and pure functions. It not only makes code easier ...Show More


Familiarity with the concepts of functional programming
Working knowledge of functional JavaScript
An understanding of TypeScript’s type system
The ability to build your own projects using TypeScript
Hands-on experience with the fp-ts library
Familiarity with the concepts of functional programming

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1 Lessons

Enhance your skills in applying TypeScript and fp-ts for functional programming, and future explorations.



1 Lessons

Solve problems in functional programming with advanced monads like Writer and These.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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