HomeCoursesUsing Python and Transcrypt to Build a Complete Web Application


66h 15min

Using Python and Transcrypt to Build a Complete Web Application
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Gain insights into using Python and Transcrypt to build complete web applications. Delve into refactoring, adding new features, and creating cohesive frontend-backend projects with React.
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Course Overview

Python is already used in the backend of most web applications, but sadly it does not work with web browsers to drive the frontend of those applications. Transcrypt can help by creating more coherent web-based projects, using Python to write both the backend and the frontend. This course builds on the lessons in Using the Python Transcrypt Transipler for Front-end Coding to implement a complete React and Python web-based project. In each chapter, we will refactor existing code to add new functionality, bui...Show More
Python is already used in the backend of most web applications, but sadly it does not work with web browsers to drive the fronte...Show More


Learn how to use Transcrypt and Python for the frontend.
Learn to use the React library with the Transcrypt compiler using Python.
Learn how to develop a complete website and use the necessary tools for front-end web development in Python.
Learn how to use Transcrypt and Python for the frontend.

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Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with building a web app using Python, Transcrypt, React, and Flask.


Environment Setup

5 Lessons

Walk through setting up Python, Node.js, virtual environments, and project structure for web apps.


Landing Page

4 Lessons

Go hands-on with building a styled landing page using Python and Material UI.


Modal View

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating a modal view using react-modal, managing visibility, and integrating UI elements.


REST Service

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at setting up the SQLite database and Flask REST server for web applications.



6 Lessons

Investigate building a books page, configuring a proxy server, and enhancing fetch functions.



4 Lessons

Master the steps to organize and navigate application menus, and enhance UI with view routing.


User Login

6 Lessons

Step through implementing user login functionality, session management, and informative user interfaces with snackbars.



5 Lessons

Walk through integrating and managing lookup tables in a web application.


User Context

4 Lessons

Work your way through effective state management using context variables in login functionality.


Editing Lookups

5 Lessons

Enhance your skills in managing, editing, and securing lookup tables in web applications.


Filtering Data

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for data filtration, enhancing search capabilities in book applications.


Editing Books

6 Lessons

Follow the process of adding, editing, and deleting book records with user-specific access.


SPA Redirect

5 Lessons

Practice using SPA redirect functionality to enhance navigation and route management.


Deploying the Application

7 Lessons

Step through deploying web applications using JavaScript, Flask, WSGI, Gunicorn, and NGINX.



1 Lessons

Walk through using Transcrypt for full-stack web apps with Python and JavaScript libraries.
Certificate of Completion
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