HomeCoursesUsing xUnit for Test-Driven Development in .NET



Using xUnit for Test-Driven Development in .NET
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Gain insights into using xUnit for TDD in .NET. Delve into fundamentals, advanced topics, mocking, the testing pyramid, and integration tests to develop high-quality software.
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Course Overview

Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way of developing high-quality applications with clean and well-maintainable code. In this course, you will learn how to use the xUnit testing library to apply the principles of test-driven development on .NET. You will start this course by reviewing the fundamentals of xUnit and how automated testing works on .NET. Then, you will practice the key TDD fundamentals. After this, you will move to more advanced topics, such as mocking, understanding the testing pyramid...Show More
Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way of developing high-quality applications with clean and well-maintainable code. In ...Show More


Familiarity with the principles of test-driven development
The ability to write automated tests in .NET using xUnit
An understanding of unit and integration tests
Familiarity with testing best practices
An understanding of the test pyramid to produce bug-free software
Familiarity with the principles of test-driven development

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Unit Testing

Automated Testing

Frontend Testing

Course Content



2 Lessons

Build on applying TDD principles with xUnit for comprehensive automated testing in .NET.



3 Lessons

Get familiar with setting up a .NET environment, IDE test execution, and CLI testing.
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