Array Refs

Learn the difference between array refs in Vue 2 and Vue 3.

We'll cover the following...

Vue 2

In Vue 2, if we used a ref attribute with the v-for directive, the $refs property would be populated with an array of refs.

Let’s run the following code and look at the array refs example in Vue 2:

Note: The code below may take a while to run. When the server starts, go to the app URL to see the output.

import "./examples/array-refs/array-refs";
Array refs example in Vue 2
  • In the array-refs.js file, a new Vue app is created that renders the ArrayRefsExample component.
  • The ArrayRefsExample component renders a list of fruits. Each fruit, li, element has a fruitsRef ref. In Vue 2, if a ref is added to items in a loop, Vue automatically populates an array of refs.
  • The value of the