

Dynamic Layout with a useLayout Composable

Dynamic Layout with a useLayout Composable

Learn how to manage dynamic layouts using uselayout composable.

Manage layout using Composition API

Composition API is another way in which we can manage layouts. We’ll create a useLayout composable that works in a similar way to the pageLayoutService, but the code will be much more succinct, as we’ll see in a moment. Due to how the Composition API works, we won’t need the layoutComputed. Instead, we only need to define a reactive value with the ref and provide the useLayout function.

Press + to interact
// layout/composables/useLayout.js
import { ref } from "vue";
export const LAYOUTS = {
standard: Symbol("standard"),
auth: Symbol("auth"),
const layout = ref(LAYOUTS.standard);
const setLayout = layoutType => {
layout.value = layoutType;
export const useLayout = () => {
return {

As in the previous example, we also have to update the Layout and LayoutExample components.

In the LayoutExample component, we update the script like this:

Press + to interact
// views/LayoutExample.vue
import Layout from "@/layout/Layout";
import { useLayout } from "@/layout/composables/useLayout";
export default {
components: {
setup() {
const { setLayout, LAYOUTS } = useLayout();
return {

The updated script for the Layout component is:

Press + to interact
// layout/Layout.vue
import { computed } from "vue";
import StandardLayout from "./components/StandardLayout";
import AuthLayout from "./components/AuthLayout";
import { useLayout } from "./composables/useLayout";
export default {
setup() {
const { layout, LAYOUTS } = useLayout();
const layoutComponents = {
[LAYOUTS.standard]: StandardLayout,
[LAYOUTS.auth]: AuthLayout,
const currentLayoutComponent = computed(
() => layoutComponents[layout.value]
return {

As mentioned before, the useLayout.js ...