Dynamic Layout with a useLayout Composable
Learn how to manage dynamic layouts using uselayout composable.
We'll cover the following...
Manage layout using Composition API
Composition API is another way in which we can manage layouts. We’ll create a useLayout
composable that works in a similar way to the pageLayoutService
, but the code will be much more succinct, as we’ll see in a moment. Due to how the Composition API works, we won’t need the layoutComputed
. Instead, we only need to define a reactive value with the ref
and provide the useLayout
Press + to interact
// layout/composables/useLayout.jsimport { ref } from "vue";export const LAYOUTS = {standard: Symbol("standard"),auth: Symbol("auth"),};const layout = ref(LAYOUTS.standard);const setLayout = layoutType => {layout.value = layoutType;};export const useLayout = () => {return {layout,setLayout,LAYOUTS,};};
As in the previous example, we also have to update the Layout
and LayoutExample
In the LayoutExample
component, we update the script like this:
Press + to interact
// views/LayoutExample.vue<script>import Layout from "@/layout/Layout";import { useLayout } from "@/layout/composables/useLayout";export default {components: {Layout,},setup() {const { setLayout, LAYOUTS } = useLayout();return {setLayout,LAYOUTS,};},};</script>
The updated script for the Layout
component is:
Press + to interact
// layout/Layout.vue<script>import { computed } from "vue";import StandardLayout from "./components/StandardLayout";import AuthLayout from "./components/AuthLayout";import { useLayout } from "./composables/useLayout";export default {setup() {const { layout, LAYOUTS } = useLayout();const layoutComponents = {[LAYOUTS.standard]: StandardLayout,[LAYOUTS.auth]: AuthLayout,};const currentLayoutComponent = computed(() => layoutComponents[layout.value]);return {currentLayoutComponent,};},};</script>
As mentioned before, the useLayout.js