HomeCoursesIntegrating the OpenWeatherMap APIs in Python


1h 30min

Integrating the OpenWeatherMap APIs in Python
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Explore the OpenWeatherMap APIs in Python to get weather data, air pollution data, use the Geocoding API, and integrate these features into a Django web application.
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Course Overview

This course is a practical guide on how to use the OpenWeatherMap APIs to retrieve current and forecast weather data for a specific location. You will learn how to get weather forecasts for 5 days, with data after every 3-hour interval. Moreover, you will learn how to get the current, forecast, and historical air pollution data for a specific location. This course also introduces the Geocoding API, which is a simple tool to get geographical coordinates by using the name of the location, and vice versa. You...Show More
This course is a practical guide on how to use the OpenWeatherMap APIs to retrieve current and forecast weather data for a speci...Show More


Get a working knowledge of OpenWeatherMap APIs and their endpoints.
Develop a deep understanding of location-based weather data and forecasts using OpenWeatherMap APIs.
Generate current indices and historical weather and pollution data using OpenWeatherMap APIs.
Get hands-on experience building a functional Python application using OpenWeatherMap APIs and Django.
Get a working knowledge of OpenWeatherMap APIs and their endpoints.

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with OpenWeatherMap APIs, their data sources, setup, and security considerations.


Current & Forecast Weather Data Collection

3 Lessons

Get started with collecting comprehensive weather data using OpenWeatherMap's APIs in Python.


Other Weather API's Collection

2 Lessons

Work your way through using Air Pollution and Geocoding APIs for detailed weather analysis.


APIs Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Apply your skills to integrate OpenWeatherMap APIs in Django for real-time weather data.



1 Lessons

Continue exploring APIs and share feedback to enhance the learning community.



1 Lessons

Tackle enhanced data parameters for weather alerts, conditions, and forecasts with One Call API 1.0.
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