HomeCoursesWorking with Containers: Docker & Docker Compose



Working with Containers: Docker & Docker Compose

Gain insights into Docker fundamentals, delve into advanced concepts like database connectivity and Docker Compose, and discover how to monitor and scale services with Docker Swarm.
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Whether you are a DevOps beginner or just a developer who wants to start working with containers, you’re in the right place. Docker is an in-demand technology that you will be exposed to frequently while on the job. Docker is used for setting up, deploying, and running applications, at scale, by containerizing them. More on that later. Docker also provides developers with a consistent environment for product development, and along with Kubernetes, makes managing the development lifecycle a breeze. I...Show More
Whether you are a DevOps beginner or just a developer who wants to start working with containers, you’re in the right place. Doc...Show More



Introduction to Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Docker and Docker Compose for streamlined, efficient app development.


Why Docker?

2 Lessons

Look at Docker's role in consistent environments, efficient deployment, and solving pre-Docker challenges.


Getting Started With Docker

5 Lessons

Examine Docker architecture, installation on various OS, and running your first container.


Advance Docker

5 Lessons

Investigate advanced Docker networking, database container setup, linking, and Docker-compose automation.


Introduction to Docker-Compose

7 Lessons

Master the steps to define and manage multi-service Docker applications with Docker Compose.


Bonus Section

2 Lessons

Get started with securing Docker environments and deploying Flask apps with Nginx in production.
Certificate of Completion
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