Graph fundamentals

A graph is a set of vertices connected to each other. It has at least one line joining a set of two vertices with no vertex connecting itself. Some basic terms are:

  • point
  • line
  • vertex
  • edge
  • degree of vertices
  • properties of graphs
  • etc.


A point is a particular position in a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional space. For better understanding, a point can be denoted by a letter and represented with a dot. ​

For example

The graph on the right shows the dot as a point named ‘a’.

svg viewer


A line is a connection between two points. It can be represented with a solid line

For example:

The graph on the right shows points ‘a’ and ‘b’. The link between these two points is called a line.

svg viewer
graph = { "a" : ["c"],
"b" : ["c", "e"],
"c" : ["a", "b", "d", "e"],
"d" : ["c"],
"e" : ["c", "b"],
"f" : []
def generate_edges(graph):
edges = []
for node in graph:
for neighbour in graph[node]:
edges.append((node, neighbour))
return edges
%0 a a c c a--c d d c--d e e c--e b b b--c e--b f f
Graphical representation of the output


A vertex is a point where multiple lines meet. It is also called a node. Similar to points, a vertex is denoted by a​ letter.


An edge is a mathematical term used for a line that connects two vertices. Many edges can be formed from a single vertex. However, without a vertex, an edge cannot be formed – t​here must be a starting vertex and an ending vertex for an edge.


A graph, G , is defined as G = (V, E) – where V is a set of all vertices and E is a set of all edges in the graph.

svg viewer


In a graph, if an edge is drawn from the vertex to itself, it is called a loop. In the illustration, V is a vertex whose edge, (V, V), is forming a loop.

svg viewer

For example

Turtle is a built-in module in Python. It provides you with a drawing canvas (cardboard) and turtle (pen). To draw something on the canvas, we need to move the turtle (pen). To move the turtle, there are some functions:

  • forward()
  • backward()
  • left()
  • right()
import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()

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