What is hashing?

Hashing is the process of converting a given key into another value. A hash function is used to generate the new value according to a mathematical algorithm. The result of a hash function is known as a hash value or simply, a hash.

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A good hash function uses a one-way hashing algorithm, or in other words, the hash cannot be converted back into the original key.

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Keep in mind that two keys can generate the same hash. This phenomenon is known as a collision. There are several ways to handle collisions, but that’s a topic for another time.

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Hashing is most commonly used to implement hash tables. A hash table stores key/value pairs in the form of a list where any element can be accessed using its index.

Since there is no limit to the number of key/value pairs, we can use a hash function to map the keys to the size of the table; the hash value becomes the index for a given element.

A simple hashing approach would be to take the modular of the key (assuming it’s numerical) against the table’s size:

index=key MOD tableSizeindex = key \text{ } MOD \text{ } tableSize

This will ensure that the hash is always within the limits of the table size. Here is the code for such a hash function:

def hashModular(key, size):
return key % size
list_ = [None] * 10 # List of size 10
key = 35
index = hashModular(key, len(list_)) # Fit the key into the list size
print("The index for key " + str(key) + " is " + str(index))

Hashing is also used in data encryption. Passwords can be stored in the form of their hashes so that even if a database is breached, plaintext passwords are not accessible. MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 are popular cryptographic hashes.

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