What is the C++ String view in C++ 17?

In C++, std::string is the standard way of working with strings as it gives users a lot of convenient functionalities to work with. std::string supports string operations such as searching for substrings, comparing strings, concatenating strings, and slicing strings (among many others).

However, std::string requires space to be dynamically allocated in the buffer and more memory to be dynamically allocated each time an operation is performed on the string.

What is string_view?

Conceptually, string_view is only a view of the string and cannot​ be used to modify the actual string. When a string_view is created, there’s no need to copy the data (unlike when you create a copy of a string). Furthermore, in terms of size on the heap,string_view is smaller than std::string.

A possible psuedo-implementation of string_view.
A possible psuedo-implementation of string_view.

Note: std::string_view cannot modify its underlying data and is only available in the C++ 17 version.

Why use std::string_view?

  • string_view is useful when you want to avoid unnecessary copies.
  • String_views are less memory-intensive to construct and copy. The creation of string_view from literals does not require a dynamic allocation.
  • Similarly, when creating a substring, std::string::substr returns a new string that potentially involves a dynamic allocation. However, we can construct a string_view from the address of a position in our string to make sure that no new memory will​ be dynamically allocated.


The following code demonstrates how string_view helps save memory by preventing unnecessary dynamic allocations:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::string str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. And then runs away!!!";
//'string::substr' returns a new string
//this function is memory-intensive, specially if the string is realy long
std::cout << str.substr(5, 15) << '\n';
//The creation of string_view from the literals does not
//require a dynamic allocation.
std::string_view sv = str;
// string_view::substr returns a new string_view. No new memory allocated
std::cout << sv.substr(5, 15) << '\n';

Other functions supported by string_view can be found here, on the official documentation page.

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