What is the structure of PHP code?

PHP is an embedded scripting language; this means that it is possible to write PHP code into an HTML file. Since web browsers can only process HTML files, the web-server converts and embeds the PHP code into one HTML file before sending it to the browser.

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HTML tags

There are HTML tags for PHP code to indicate the start and end of PHP code in an HTML file. Any one of the following 4 tags can be used:

  1. <?php php-code-here ?>
  2. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="php"> php-code-here </SCRIPT>
  3. <? php-code-here ?>
  4. <% php-code-here %>

The first and second tags are the ones most recommended and most widely used. Using a tag which is rarely used may result in a web-server being unable to detect the start and end of the PHP code.


# and // are used to comment out a single line of code, while /* and */ indicate the start and end of a commented block of code.


print "Hello";
echo " World!\n";
/* Commenting out a block of code
echo 'This line won't execute.\n';
# The last line does not require a semicolon
print "The last line."

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